

Iron is an essential component of hemoglobin found in the red blood cells that assist in the transportation of oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. Iron deficiency is the most common form of nutritional deficiency mostly among children and pregnant women. Not getting enough iron can cause iron deficiency anemia and make you more vulnerable to infections and illness. Women 19 to 50 of ages should be consuming 18 milligrams of iron daily while pregnant women 27 mill igrams daily. Here are some foods rich in iron *Red meat, pork and poultry *Seafood *Beans *Dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach *Dried fruits such as apricots *Iron fortified cereals, bread and pastas *Peas

Heart Friendly Food

HEART-FRIENDLY FOODS The heart is an essential part of the human organ, it plays an important roll in pumping and circulation of blood in the body. When it comes to the heart what we eat matters a lot, to keep a healthy heart here are some foods you need at all times MEAT, POULTRY AND FISH * Chicken or turkey * Fish high in omega 3s such as mackerel, tuna, salmon *Pork trimmed of fat *Beef DAIRY *Creamers non fat *Yogurt *Buttermilk non fat or low fat *sour cream non fat PANTRY *Barley *Beans *cereals, oat and rice FRUIT AND VEGES *Apple *Broccoli *Grapes *Pears and Berries COOKING OIL *Non fat cooking oil *Olive and canola *Margarine